Health & Safety Policies

Health Forms

The Health Department requires proof of a physical examination on file. A health statement form is available at the school office and must be returned 15 days after the child’s enrollment date. Any physical restrictions should be noted on this form.


A completed immunization record must be on file in the school office prior to the child’s first day. Nevada’s new requirement is varicella (chicken pox). The child receives this shot between the ages of 12 months thru 18 months. 

Please turn in your child’s updated immunization records after every shot.

Sickness, Injury, and Medications

A goal of this facility is to maintain the best possible health conditions for the children. Parents can help meet this goal by adhering to the following policies. Please keep in mind that the welfare of your child and classmates in this facility are at risk if you bring a sick child to school. Please notify the office by 10:00 A.M. if your child will not be attending school due to illness. This facility reserves the right to deny admission to any child suspected of having a communicable disease.

Designated staff members may dispense medications only with a Doctor’s prescription and when medicines are in marked containers. 

A separate medicine box/container will be kept locked at all times for all children’s medicines in a designated area. If your child is sent home due to an unknown rash, a healthcare provider’s note must accompany your child in order to return to class. The parent, legal guardian, or other person authorized by the parent shall be notified immediately when a child has a sign or symptom requiring exclusion from this facility as follows:

  - A child has an illness that prevents them from participating comfortably in the preschool setting and in outside activities. Children who cannot go outside with their classmates must stay at home.

  - The illness results in more care than the childcare staff can provide without compromising their health and safety.

  - If a child has any of the following conditions: 
       - Temperature: oral temperature of 100 degrees or more. 
       - Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness, such as: unusual lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or other unusual signs. Your child may not return to school without a healthcare provider’s note stating that the condition is non-communicable.
       - Uncontrolled diarrhea: increased number of stools, increased watery stools, and/or decreased form that cannot be contained in a diaper twice a day will result in a child being sent home. Child may return when diarrhea stops.
       - Vomiting illness: If a child vomits during care they will be sent home. Child may return when vomiting resolves.
       - Mouth sores with drooling: Child may return when a healthcare provider determines that the condition is non-communicable.
       - Rash with fever or behavior change: Child may return when a healthcare provider determines that the condition is non-communicable.
       - Purulent conjunctivitis or pink eye: Child may return 24 hours after treatment has been initiated.
       - Scabies, Head lice or other infestation: Child may return 24 hours after treatment has been initiated. We enforce a strict “no nits” policy in order to return to school.
       - Tuberculosis: Child may return to school when released by healthcare provider.
       - Impetigo:Child may return to school 24 hours after treatment has been initiated.
       - Chicken pox:Child may return six days after onset of rash or until all sores have dried and crusted.
       - Pertussis: Child may return five days after receiving antibiotic treatment.
       - Mumps: Child may return six days after onset of parotid gland swelling.
       - Hepatitis: Child may return one week after onset of illness, or as directed by health department when passive immunoprophylaxis.
       - Measles: Child may return six days after onset of rash.
       - Rubella:Child may return six days after onset of rash.
       - Shingles: Child may return when released by healthcare provider.
       - Herpetic Gingivostomatitis, such as uncontrollable oral secretions: Child may return when healthcare provider recommends.
       - Any other communicable disease mandated by the Clark County Health District. (see Health District website)

A child who is ill and/or contagious will remain in the office until an authorized escort can pick them up. Office personnel will attend to their individual needs. If you are called to pick up your child, we ask that you come within one hour from the time of the call. Parents not cooperating with the illness policy will be asked to remove their child(ren) from Mosaic Kids Academy.

Medical Emergency Process

The Emergency Care Authorization Form is a key source of information during a medical emergency. This form grants authorization for any needed medical or emergency care along with the release of necessary records. Appropriate first aid procedures will be administered if a child becomes ill or injured at the facility. In the event that emergency transportation to a hospital is required, a staff member will accompany the child until a parent, guardian, or authorized person arrives.  All expenses that are associated with a medical emergency are the responsibility of the parents or legal guardians.  With the exception of minor scratches or abrasions, all other illnesses or injuries are documented on an Accident/Incident Report Form and a copy is given to the parent(s).  Additional copies of each accident/incident report are maintained in the records on the child.

Please notify the Director immediately if any changes need to be made to your child’s emergency care information.

Depending upon the seriousness of the situation, emergency calls will be made in the following order:  When warranted 911, Parents and Emergency Contact.

Biting Policy

Biting is a natural action of every young child. However, it is not pleasant for anyone involved. Toddlers do not have the verbal skills to express themselves, so sometimes they use their hands, feet and teeth to communicate.

It is the goal of Mosaic Kids Academy to provide the safest possible environment for your child. Our goal is to maintain a low teacher/student ratio and an age appropriate environment. Toddlers do bite and it is possible that your child could get bitten or could be the biter. The following steps are taken when biting occurs:

  - An ice pack may be applied to the bitten area.  A lot of love will be given to both children involved. 
  - If skin is broken, the cut will be cleaned with peroxide, and the parent will be called. In some instances, doctors may want to see the child.
  - The situation will be carefully evaluated and documented on an accident form.  A copy of this form will be given to the parents of the child who was bitten.  An incident report will be completed and a copy given to the parents of the biter.
  - The staff will stay close to the biter, because of the tendency of the child to bite again. An emphasis will be placed on redirecting the biter’s actions so this behavior does not become a pattern.
  - If the child bites again, the child will be placed in a playpen or highchair during diaper changing time, feeding time, or when staff is not able to give full attention to the child.

If biting continues, the parent of the biter will be called immediately.  We will try to find a solution or the child will be asked to leave Mosaic Kids Academy for the safety of the whole group.  It is our goal to do everything we can to resolve the situation as soon as possible.


The facility will not tolerate or allow any form of physical punishment.

Children will be redirected in a positive manner. Redirection is intended to be a learning experience. Children must learn self-control. Continuing behavioral problems will be discussed with parents and the Facility Director. Every effort will be made to correct the problem and encourage good behavior. If the child does not respond to discipline, we will call parents to pick-up the child. However, after a reasonable period of time, if the child’s behavior is still causing problems, the child will be dismissed from our facility.


If a child has allergies of any kind, parents must alert the office staff and teaching staff so that the appropriate precautions can be taken to protect your child’s health. Allergies must be noted in your child’s pre-admission history form. A photo of your child will be posted in the same classroom as your child with allergies listed.

Emergency/ Disaster Plan Procedures

Mosaic Kids Academy has developed extensive written plans in case of an emergency or a natural disaster.  Fire and emergency evacuation drills are scheduled, conducted, and evaluated to comply with the regulatory agencies.  A layout of our facility floor plan is posted in each room and corridor. Emergency exits are shown on the plan.

Child Car Safety

Your child’s safety and well being is very important to all of us, whether he or she is here under our care, or with you or other family members.  Please Never ever leave your child in a car unattended, even if it’s only a second while you drop off or pick up your child.  Always buckle your child in an age appropriate car seat while riding in any vehicle.  Nevada State law (NRS 484-474) requires children under 6 and 60 pounds ride in a federally approved car seat or booster seat that is appropriate for that child’s age and weight.  The car seat or booster must be installed and used according to manufacturer’s instructions.  All other passengers and drivers must wear a seat belt.  As a licensed provider and advocate for children we are mandated child abuse reporters and the law requires us to report such violations to the proper authorities.  Please remember that car accidents can and do happen close to home.  Never sacrifice your child’s safety to avoid a tantrum or meltdown.  Your child’s life depends on it!