Our Philosophy

Mosaic Kids Academy provides a first school experience in a faith-centered environment that nurtures in each child a love for learning.  This developmental program will encourage the growth of each child’s God-given talents and abilities.  The curriculum will include social interaction, intellectual stimulation, spiritual direction, physical development, and emotional growth.  Mosaic Kids Academy believes that school’s ultimate responsibility is to provide experiences that promote lifelong learning.

Our Goals

  • To provide all children with a developmentally appropriate education program while communicating Christ’s love daily in a natural learning situation.

  • To provide a classroom environment where all children receive instruction that is appropriate to their individual needs within a small group setting.

  • To provide a classroom environment where appropriate peer interactions are taught and encouraged between children.

  • To teach and encourage the children in God’s Word (the teachings in the Bible) and to be an example to others.

  • To individualize instruction, teaching and building upon each child’s unique strengths.


Jesus loves children!

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

— Matthew 19:14



It is our philosophy and goal to create an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth.  We believe in developing the child as a whole.  That is why our curriculum remains Christ-centered while ensuring that promoting life long learning.  This allows our teachers to impart their creativity, experiences, and themes into the curriculum to ensure a hands-on developmental experience inside the classroom. In addition, this curriculum meets or exceeds Nevada’s State Standards.  We feel this program will provide each child with an environment that is fun and supportive, while preparing your child for success in school and beyond.  Any curriculum offered by Mosaic Kids Academy can be reviewed at any time.

Our Team

All staff members are to be role models of Christian living, to be witnesses to Jesus’ love through routine experiences, and to maintain professional relationships with staff, students, and their families.