Services Provided
Meals and Snacks
Breakfast is served in the morning from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and will consist of cold cereal and milk. If your child will be arriving after 8:00 A.M. please ensure breakfast has been provided prior to arrival.
Snacks are served mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Snacks and beverages are provided to each child during the morning and afternoon nutrition period. Snacks are selected from foods that are healthy and that meet the nutritional requirements for children. The snack menu will be posted each Friday for the following week. Please inform the teacher when a snack on our menu is not suitable for any special needs your child may have due to allergies or diet.
Parents are to provide a sack/boxed lunch for their child/children on every full day of attendance or on any day that attendance occurs during the lunch period. Milk will be provided to each child during the lunch period. All lunches should have your child’s name on them. Please do not send foods that require heating.
Each week our executive director, Pastor Michael, who is also a pastor at Mosaic Church, will be presenting a small 10-15 minute “sermon” for the children ages 3-5. At this time the children will pray, learn, discuss their bible story, and dance along with their friends.
Lost and Found
All items found at the school are sent to the lost and found area located in the office, where they can be reclaimed before or after class. Periodically throughout the year these items will be discarded or given to a charity organization. We encourage you to mark all personal items brought to school.